Greetings, valued readers! We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you all. We are constantly striving to enhance our services and provide the best experience possible for our clients. As part of this ongoing commitment, we are pleased to announce some significant updates to our service Terms & Conditions, Payment Terms, and Service Usage Policy.
Overview of the Updates
Just as we did last year in January 2023, we revisited and updated our general terms and conditions in response to valuable feedback from our clients and subscribers to better serve evolving needs and support requests. These updates are designed to provide clearer insights into our services, foster better understanding, and ensure a seamless experience for our clients throughout their journey with us.

Key Highlights
We’re excited to share some of the key highlights from the recent updates to our service terms and conditions. These enhancements aim to provide you with a better understanding of our services, streamline support processes, introduce new features, and ensure a more user-friendly experience.
1. Better Service Details
We have refined the language to provide a more comprehensive understanding of our services, ensuring better transparency and clarity.
2. Streamlined Support Information
Our Support Hours, Response Times, and other support-related details have been better outlined for your convenience with the use of our services.
3. New Additions
We’ve introduced new sections covering Maintenance & Support, Add-On Services, Transfer Requests, Payment Terms (including late payment fees, payments through digital wallets like Gcash and Maya, and other online transfer requests), and more detailed procedures to cater to evolving needs and support requests.
4. User-Friendly Language
The updates are crafted in a more user-friendly language, making it easier for you to navigate and understand, including reorganizing some topics so that they’re easier to find.

How to Stay Updated?
To stay informed about these updates and ensure compliance with our revised terms, we encourage all our clients to review the updated Terms & Conditions, Payment Terms, and Service Usage Policy through our email newsletters, and announcements or updates through our website and official social media channels.
**DISCLAIMER: All active subscriptions and accounts with existing contracts, on-going service agreements, active partnership agreements, and specialized contracts with custom terms of service arrangements will NOT be affected by these changes.
Got Questions?
If you have any questions or need further clarification on these updates, feel free to reach out to our Support Team during Business Hours from Mondays to Fridays, 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM (PHT) at support@