In this day and age, you don’t exist when you don’t have a trace of online presence in the world wide web. Having a website is one of the most effective channels to seize more opportunities for growth especially in a world shaken by the pandemic.
The only reason to build a website is to change someone. If you can’t tell me the change and you can’t tell me the someone, then you’re wasting your time.

The Disadvantages of Doing Business with No Website
A survey conducted by Salesforce showed that “85% of consumers conduct research before they make a purchase online, and among the most used channels for research are websites (74%) and social media (38%).” Most business can attest to this hardship when physical stores had to shut down to avoid spreading COVID-19. It was through their online stores that they were able to recover from an economic disaster.
Since the world hasn’t been declared as a completely, covid-free space , you could say that websites now are a necessity, not a luxury. Here’s why not having a website can hurt your business:
1. Makes it Harder for People to Find you
Whether you’re a startup or a big-time company, not showing up on the net robs you of sweet opportunities for growth and profit. Being “invisible” means that your dream customers won’t be able to find more information about you. Instead, they’ll be forced to look over to your competitor’s side. No online presence is bad especially for small businesses.
2. You'll Miss Out on Extra Sales
When your potential customers need something on Google Search or Yahoo, you’d wish your company to be on the top results of search engines. And how do you do that?
You’ll need a website with great content developed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. High SEO levels mean that your company can easily pop up on the top of the search results, satisfying your customers’ needs.
3. You Won't Attract Global Customers
Establishing your online presence with a website means that you’re about to break physical boundaries that allow you to tap into a much, wider market–the world. Customers from all over the globe will be able to hear about your ingenious ideas or even make way for further expansion and revenue.
Think about it. Imagine having the logos of notable companies on your portfolio and clientele. That would leave a lasting impression on your potential customers, building a lot of customer trust.
4. Your Brand Will Look Less Legit
A company website can build trust between you and your customers. And whether you’re a B2C or B2B business, trust serves as the foundation of a beneficial business relationship. For example, according to a research by the American Psychological Association, trust is one of the most important factors in creating a healthy business partnership that “achieves positive economic outcomes.“

Another study by Gartner Research showed that 84% of consumers will walk away from transactions with brands they don’t trust. It’s going to be a challenge for you to gain your customers’ loyalty if you can’t digitally prove you’re legit let alone exist on the internet.
5. Your Competitors Have One
Today, owning a website gets you ahead of the competition. You’ve got big companies investing in assets that can establish a powerful, digital footprint on the world wide web. Online users start their buying process with social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Most of your clients’ journeys begin from searching and getting recommendations on social networks. It would take only a few clicks and finger taps to get into the websites of your bigger competitors. Even landing on a well-designed homepage creates a big chance of converting a total stranger into a loyal customer. Without a website, you’ll be left behind with customers being “stolen” by your rivals.
Start Your Website with Helpdesk Online Solutions
Building websites for businesses–big and small– has been always the forte of HDO. Majority of its clients and partners are happily staying at the top of search engine rankings and continually growing with revenue, brand awareness, and customer satisfaction.
How about you? Are you going to be left behind without any web presence? Your potential customers are just waiting for you to step into the limelight, waiting to be discovered. You can check our Web2Cloud Subscription Plans to jumpstart your success in the online world.
- Morter, M. (2022, February 22). QuestCo. Why Is Trust Important in a Business Partnership?
- Paun, G. (2020 July 2). Building A Brand: Why A Strong Digital Presence Matters.
- Ramaswami, R. (2020, December 1). Gartner. Brand Strategies Focused on Dependability Score Highest on Customer Trust.